The Legislative Incentive Committee Hearing on Georgia Film Incentive will be taking place on Wednesday, October 4th.
Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 4th, 2023
Meeting Time: 9:00 AM
Meeting Room: Athens Technical College; 800 US Hwy, 29 North, Building A, Room 139, Athens, GA 30601
1. Send public testimony about the impact of the film industry to your business: This is the first meeting where written public testimony is being accepted, and the panel needs to hear that this industry is important to Georgians.Make sure to include: your name; your business name and address; your legislative district (found here), and indicate if you plan to attend the meeting and would be willing to speak. Testimony can be in the email or attached. You can reference the 9/25 House Meeting Notice email that contained a call for public testimony. Send your statement before 10/4 to taxpaneltestimonial@house.ga.gov and CC your legislators.You can find your legislators here, and their contact information by clicking on their name.
2. Content Tips: Focus on sharing the impact the industry on your/your family/your business, employees and footprint in Georgia. The goal is to illustrate the wide range of businesses, communities and families that contribute to, and are supported by Georgia’s film industry.
Do not mention or speculate on anything related to policy or changes to the incentive- this is strictly to tell your industry story. Keep your message positive, avoid threats/warnings, and thank the legislators for their thoughtful consideration.
You can mention both business and personal impact, but don’t include confidential information as the emails become public record. A few paragraphs to a page is sufficient.
3. Attend the 10/4 legislative meeting: Your attendance shows legislators this issue is important to the people and businesses in Georgia. It’s unlikely the agenda will be posted in advance and no prior meeting has allowed for public testimony. However, your attendance, and that of the Georgia-based industry leaders speaks volumes to both the supporters- and detractors- of the credit program.
4. The meeting will take place in Athens at Athena Studios on Wednesday,
October 4, beginning at 9AM. It is expected to run until 1:00 PM.
Craig Miller
Chair, GPP Government Relations